It has come to my attention that there is a criminal element in the churches of America that needs to be addressed. Whether it be local officials, such as county attorneys, state attorneys general, or even the federal government, someone must do something about this soon. Might I even suggest a Congressional inquiry? This activity has been going on for decades and it must be stopped.
Churches across America have been funding criminal activity on an international scope. Smugglers and rebellion leaders have been sent into countries with the full intention of breaking the laws of that country. Even if appropriate documents had been secured to enter the country, once inside, the criminal activity began. Contraband was handed out to the country's nationals, often times, contraband that was funded, or even purchased by the American churches. Illegal meetings were held covertly, behind closed doors, with the intent to encourage the nationals to recruit others into this illegal activity as well.
A quick online search tells me these activities are still going on today. There is even an organization founded by one of the famous early smugglers that brags about this illegal activity. I myself was subject to propaganda in the form of a comic book that made this early smuggler out to be a hero.
What should we do about this behavior? Should there be financial sanctions? Should criminal charges be filed? Whatever the case, I know that my brothers and sisters in Christ condemn any criminal activity, and will be anxious to stop this behavior immediately.